Tuesday, August 18, 2015

it rained this week for 15 minutes

Hello everyone! Wow what a week of learning and miracles and answered prayers! Never ever doubt that our Heavenly Father loves us or hears us, because He definitely does. We saw that a lot this last week! .
So on Sunday night we had met the neighbor of an investigator(this apartment complex is full of so many wonderful people!) named Meagan, and on Monday we went back to teach her, and she LOVED it all. The next night we taught her and her son, and they committed to baptism in September. They are so accepting of the truth and have such pure and simple faith. I love it so much. We have been praying and working hard to be so diligent so that we can find these people that are prepared, and the Lord is so good to us and to His children that are prepared to hear the truth at this time.
 Another thing that still amazes me is that we just help people carry things or just say hello, and the next thing we know we're sitting in their apartment talking about Jesus Christ. That happened this week with the sweetest woman and I'm so grateful for the faith people have. Our other investigators are doing well and they are such amazing people!
One experience I must share is from Saturday evening. The American Sign Language sisters were having a baptism for their 11 year old deaf investigator. Meagan and her little girl came to see it, and they know some ASL so it was perfect. The baptism was incredible. It was all in ASL, and there were translators for the hearing. The prayers were in ASL, the bishop welcomed her in ASL, and people practiced so hard for it. The Spirit there was so strong. Everyone felt it. That sweet girl that got baptized was so excited and pure and I wish y'all could have been there. It was so quiet and peaceful and it was just the best feeling being there. Definitely something I will never forget. 
This week was one of refinement and answered prayers and such an opportunity for growth and increased faith in my Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ. I love His gospel and how loving it is! I feel it so deep within me and I can't quite describe it fully, but it's of comfort and truth. I just feel such peace and happiness of knowing the Plan, of knowing how encompassing the Atonement is, and how much love there is. I know who I, and every other single person, am intended to become. And although I'm not there yet, I see that there are so many things to learn along the way that will ultimately take me there. I have that ultimate end goal of living a life of faithfulness to God that will allow me to stand worthy and repentant before Him, allowing me to live eternally with Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and my family. I can't imagine anything sweeter or more joyful. And along the way, there are the smaller goals that lead to the end goal. The restored teachings of our Savior and the saving ordinances administered by the priesthood are the only way back. The power of God is greater than the power of man, and it's His power and authority thats binds us together for eternity. And it's all here for us to feast upon, to learn from, and to work on. I'm so grateful that we have this time to learn for ourselves of the goodness of God. That we get to experience trials and good things that help us rely on the Savior. As we push forward and work hard to be better than we were yesterday, the Lord strengthens us and allows us to become who we are meant to be. And I absolutely love that I get to be an instrument in God's hands to help others realize the same.
In my studies this week, I was focusing on diligence and the priesthood. President Slaughter had shared a quote with me that says "Self-discipline and self-control are consistent and permanent characteristics of the followers of Jesus." It's from an Ensign article called "The Price of Discipleship" by President Faust in the April 1999 Ensign. I went and read the article, and it changed me. Please read it if you get the chance. I learned so much from it. The price we pay to be disciples of Christ is obedience. To fully follow Christ, we first need to seek the direction of the Master. And sometimes it seems like we have to give up a lot. We forsake the world, we cast out all evil, we are disciplined, we learn to repent and enjoy forgiveness. It seems like a heavy cross to carry, but it doesnt end up being so, because the strength we need comes from our Savior, and the reward is so great. 
“Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
“For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matt. 11:28–30).
Obedience is the price we pay. We learn to love God above all else, and we receive love, strength, peace, joy, and greater than anything else, eternal life with those we love most. So yes, we do give up some things that may be hard, but like President Faust says, "It's a price we cannot afford not to pay."
Love y'all.
Sister Snyder
P.S. Here's a picture of me and Aleigha. She's moving this week, but don't worry, the other missionaries will continue to meet with her!

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