Last night we got transfer calls, which is insane. I cannot believe it's already been another 6 weeks. Time goes waaaaay to fast. We were feeling pretty positive that Hermana Ormsby would go to the border, and that Sister Ali and I would stay and I would finish her training. But...the opposite happened. Sister Ali and I are both leaving the area and Hermana Ormsby is staying. I'M SO SAD. I really, really love Castle Hills A and the people here. We were all really surprised. But hey, it'll be fun to head to a new area and meet new people again and start teaching other people! So don't send anything to my old address anymore!
On Tuesday we got to drive up to Austin again for a doctor's appointment, and we went to get our oil changed before because it needed to be done. It ended up taking 3 hours, and we were stuck in that little waiting room with nothing but soap operas on the TV. Worst 3 hours ever. Hahaha. Eventually we got out and luckily we made it to Austin on time! But that 6:00 traffic out of Austin is killer. But hey it made for some good laughs and stuff.
Two magnificent things happened this week, everyone. And I am thrilled about it.
First, our ukrainian recent convert went to the temple. And we were lucky enough to be able to go with her and Sister Hassell in our ward and watch it all. It was a night for family names only, and Angel didn't have any prepared yet, but Sister Hassell works at the temple and arranged for her to do temple names. So it was just her and a group of like 6 Young Men from Austin. So the temple president was able to talk to them and she went first and was baptized and confirmed and she loved it. After she was dressed we stayed longer because she wanted to watch the others and she felt so calm and peaceful. It was amazing. So grateful that I was able to be here for that and that she was able to go so soon after her own baptism.
Saturday morning Elder Corbridge of the Seventy was in the San Antonio area so we were able to go to a quick meeting with him and it was awesome to hear from him. He taught us better ways to teach and talked about becoming better missionaries. It was really great.
Then Saturday afternoon, Mike got baptized! Hooray! I've been teaching him since the day I got here, so it was so awesome to actually see this happen. He is so humble and has such a sincere heart. We were so excited! It was a great service, really simple and peaceful and his confirmation yesterday was really nice too. So we had a great week/weekend! We feel very blessed with the success we've seen this transfer.
Also another miracle: There is this man named Disco that we met outside of a complex last transfer, and we talked to him and he was one of a kind and awesome. We failed to get his contact information, so we've spent this transfer knocking out a ton of buildings in his complex trying to find him. That's how we found that woman who was having a tough day and invited us back. So we were at her apartment the other day knocking for an appointment, when her husband calls to us as he's coming up the stairs. and guess who was right behind him???? DISCO. they are way good friends and he sat in on the lesson, and we were able to go teach him again the other night. Wowie wow! We found him! So that was awesome.
I have seriously been so blessed this past transfer and have seen so many amazing things happen. And it hasn't just been the baptisms or the investigators. It's been working with the less active families who just needed a push and a reminder of what was important. Seeing people start to come to church, thanking us in their testimonies, and being excited when we come over is the best thing. All they needed was to be reminded of how much they are loved. This work is so vital in every single aspect, among members and nonmembers. It has been such a privilege to be able to be a part of this ward for the past 4 months. I'm sad to go, but grateful for what I've been able to do. And I'm excited to see what happens next! I'll let y'all know where I end up!
Please keep sharing He Is the Gift with others and praying for missionary opportunites! They will come. I love y'all so much and hope you have a fantastic week!!
Love, Sister Snyder
The pictures are of us at the temple after baptisms, and at the baptism on Saturday! :)
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